Thursday, March 29, 2007


Holy about rewind on the weather!!! It must have snowed close to two feet in less then 24 hours and add to that all the rain that fell too!!

Couple of days of Spring type weather and WHAM...SNOW! The power went out in quite a few areas of town so school was cancelled and the kids had a real SNOW day today.

Guess it's supposed to be sunny by tomorrow afternoon but i'm not holding my breath on that one from the looks of it out there tonight.

Off to hibernate,

ps: this is what it's starting to feel like:


Jenny said...

I think that it was me that caused all of the snow. I kept telling Shari that our yard was bare and I could start with yardwork soon. Me and my big ol' mouth!

sonja said...

are we in the same zip code now?
it's the same down here.
everyone was wearing shorts, firing up their grills, main street was overrun by motorcycles, and then WHAM! next day, it rained. A COLD rain. then snowed last night.
our boss has been stuck in rock springs, wyoming, on business. got snowed in with 9 inches!
it's Crazy!

Jenny said...

Pen, how do I make my archives a little box...cuz I hate that the archives take up so much room on my

Pen said...

It's flippin' nutz this weather!!

Jenny, it's in the New Blogger in the settings part where you set up your template. I'm not sure you can use it if your using Classic blogger.