Friday, April 11, 2008

It's time to say Good Bye

We heard back from the vet and there is good news but not good news at the same time.
The good news was that Quades knee ligament is not torn but both knees are very loose. This could partly be because of his growing.

The bad news is that the pain he is enduring every day is finally taking it's toll on our babys temperament. He is a loveable goofball around us but today it took three people to hold him down, one to muzzle him and to give him a shot to further sedate him. He's losing his happiness and on that note it has just taken the emotional aspect out of the decision.

We did not want him in this much pain or for him to lose his silliness, happy go lucky attitude. We will spend the weekend with him loving him up, snuggling in bed and just letting him run, run and run some more. I will be asking for some major pain medication from the vet to keep him as comfortable and happy as we can over the next few days until it is time to send out boy to the Rainbow Bridge. I'm off to pick Pootie Wootie up from the vet and take him home for some extra special luvin's.

Thank you all for your love, support and prayers during this most difficult time.


Jenny said...

Oh Pen, I'm sooo sorry!!!
Let me know if you I can help you with anything!!!

Christy said...

Awww Penny! Thinking about you and praying for you this weekend!

SueakaNana said...

Oh Penny, and Hal too, I am so very sorry to hear of your bad news. This is just not a good day all round, I am not sure of the date that you wrote this, but today I attended a funeral, this is my daddys birthday, (deceased now) and now the news of Quade, how sad but you just don't want to see your boy in pain. My friend had to just last week have her boy put down as well he had cancer in his bones, a very sad day. Its just not fair. You take care Penny O.K. Hugs from Sue(:

Jenny said...

Hey girl, thinking of you!!!
Big hugs and lots of love!!

joni said...

Pen i am so sorry... sigh,.. so sorry.. you are brave and kind. you were his tender mamma.
