Sunday, May 13, 2007


For all you wonderful, amazing women!! May your day be filled with many blessings, love and lots of happy memories.


Christy said...

Thanks Penny! I love that comic!

I just wanted to say Happy Mother's Day to you too! Even in the short time that I hung out with you and you held Olivia I could see that you have the heart of a mother! And the way that you talk about Sheri's are a blessing to so many kids!

Have a great day in the sunshine!

Jenny said...

Love you my friend!!!
Enjoy your day!! Mom to your fur babies and Auntie to many!!

joni said...

love it Pen...too cool..haha i need one of those trendy red capes. and definitely the red boots!

Sharijoy said...

Pen you are sooooooo much more than Just an Auntie you're gonna be K&P second mom and second home!!! So don't go anywhere!!! we'd have to follow!!love yeah!!