Monday, September 21, 2009

Our Getaway!!

Hal and I have one week of holidays left and we're going to take part of that time to take off to Vancouver and see the Canucks play. One of the first things he asks is "Should we call so and so?" First response was "NO, he monopolizes way too much of your time and you spent enough time on OUR last holiday with him!"

Perhaps I'm being selfish but damnit our time away sucked for me because we did very little together. I want us to have time alone to do something for a change. Last time we took in the Lions game we had a whole crew and though it was fun there was no time for the two of us. Checking into some of the hotels in Vancouver that offer the whole package deal looks promising. One of them included: 2 tickets to the game (entry level), one nights accomodation, free security parking at the hotel, transportation to and from the game if needed and hot breakfasts all for $300.00. It may sound like a lot but really the freedom that comes with not having to drive to and from the game, pay for parking, breakfast for two in a restaurant, tickets for the games and a hotel???? WORTH IT TO ME! We won't be paying for flights as we have more then enough Save on More points for that so why not?!?!

I'm going to be firm and stick with the 'US TIME!" Wish me luck.


SueakaNana said...

PENNY, you stick to your guns and its all about US TIME.... for sure, need to do that for sure, cause with your busy lives, you need to.. Mike and I have done it now for two summers and have to say we quite enjoyed each others company haha.. but seriously, need to get away just the two of us or you and Hal right.. to rekindle or just be alone together.. ttyl sue

SueakaNana said...

oops sorry how many times do i have to say for sure haha... you know what i meant tho right....

SueakaNana said...

oh lordy, blog already lady, whats the hold up hehe, i miss you.... hope you are staying warm in this artic cold... tc and talk to you again....