Thursday, May 14, 2009

Adding to our family

As most of you know we are adding a lab puppy to our household this weekend. As much as I'm so excited and happy to have the sound of little feet, the smell of puppy breath and a loyal companion I am terrified that something will be wrong with him.

We have had no luck with our furbabies in the last little bit. I guess that's not quite right - Cleo was older, but still not old enough and Quade was a pup. In no way is this to replace our other babies, you can't possibly. But it's still worrisome "will his hips be okay? will he have any other medical conditions that may take him from us? how long will we have him?" As with anything in life there is no guarantee and we can only love him and keep him safe and healthy as we possibly can. Other then that it's in God's hands.

Hal has been asking about Hip certification, overall health of parents, etc. Really when you look at some of the great breedings out there it's all a frigging gamble. I told him we lived it and we lost. His littermates are totally healthy and strong - it's a gamble. Then said "Perhaps we should call him Gamble because that's what it is." We aren't paying huge money for him, the lady said she just wants them to go to good homes. She basically would like to cover their Vet checkup/shots bill, travel/delivery.

We've selected Labs for their gregarious nature, sweet dispostion and the love of water and people. Thought that it would be a good fit with a Rotti pup should we get the replacement.

Any name ideas?

Thanks for listening to the whinefest too, have a wonderful day!


Jenny said...

He's beautiful Pen! I love lab puppies. Where are you guys getting him from?

Tanya said...

Aww he's a sweety! Our dog is a lab/husky and he has the best personality...loves people! Good luck with him! I'll send up prayer for him, that he will be so healthy that he lives to be a ripe old age!!!

Sharijoy said...

He is a cutie patootie!! And Gamble is a great name!!xox talk to you soon glad to hear the good news! Call before you leave I need a COSTCO run.....

SueakaNana said...

Hi Penny, he is beautiful I love black lab puppies they are such a great companion.. and wow Gamble should be his name, for sure.. have fun with him.. see you one of these days..

Sharijoy said...

post some pics already!!!