Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Time to say good bye to the blog???

I know that i've been guilty of infrequent posting and time has become so precious lately. Is it time to say good bye to the blog? Does anyone even read it and more importantly does it matter?!?!

Just a few questions i'm asking myself, take care...hugs and love


Jenny said...

But Pen...gasp...
NO comment!
So sad!!!

Christy said...

I check it frequently. I dont always comment though!

alisonwonderland said...

of course i care! i'd be very happy to see you blogging more. i also remember you saying that you were having some fun over at facebook - where i just created a page; we could play over there too (if i could find you). :o)

sonja said...

i love your blog!
your recipes always make my tummy grumble and i look forward to popping in and seeing what you've been up.
count me as one vote for staying.

paleraven50 said...

penny how dare you i check your blog every single day cause i for one have been on holidays and don't have a life, but you missy have not been blogging about anything. no recipies no home renos, no fights with hal, not work updates, no talks about your walks no tell me when you want me to stop i know all this cause I HAVE BEEN READING YOUR BLOG EVERY DAY AND THERE HAS BEEN NOTHING THERE!!!!! Don't you dare hang up your blogging hat, and i don't know about you but sometimes i get tired of facebook and i have to off the computer cause there is not freaking blogs to read goodnight my friend so guess which way i think you should go. I don't comment cause there has been nothing to comment about and that was another thing i wanted to do and didn't do this summer set up a blog. hmmm.

joni said...

i think you have followers... could be i have misread all the comments?!?.. hehe ..nope! you would be missed wayyy to much,, better keep the blog and just add to it when you can..

take care...