Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Happy 16th Birthday Warren!

My nephew turned 16 today!! Actually both our nephews turned 16 this year and last night when I was saying to Hal that it seems like just yesterday they were both in pampies and cruising around the house (they used to stay with us quite often when we lived in Kamloops. I'm really missing Kamloops to right now for various reasons!) Anyways we chatted about them and how much they've changed and how different they are for being the same age.

Back to the diaper part, lol. Hal says "I don't remember them in diapers and thank god they're not anymore." Then we say "Well we'd love them even if they still were." Hal looks at me with this smirky, sorta serious look, "Well hun, will you love me when or if i'm ever in diapers?!?!" OMG, WE BOTH LOST IT, it was just way too funny.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY STINKY!! Auntie and Uncle love ya!

From this little guy at 4 months:

To this young man:


Julie Julie Bo Boolie said...

Gosh they do grow so fast don't they? I posted a pic of my nieces and nephew right after March Break.. I helped raise them all before I moved to T.O. and man I can't believe the eldest is already learning how to DRIVE!!! EEEK!

Jenny said...

Time does fly by! Hey is that you in the first pic...cutie patootie.

alisonwonderland said...

i love the photos! sweet baby to handsome young man - wow!

happy birthday, warren!

Pen said...

Yes that would be me, lord looking at that pic Warren wasn't the only baby, lol. My baby sister and I look like kids ourselves and we were 20 and 21.

Julie, i'll have to go check our your nieces and nephew and Alison, ty for the birthday wishes!

xo Pen