Tuesday, March 13, 2007

You have the correct screw...right? U speak Manglish?

Yesterday was such a wonderful, sunshiney, happy, blessed, I love my hunny kinda day...okay so maybe I just loved my hunny.

We were putting the light fixtures in the bathroom yesterday, the vanity light went in without a hitch (other then the fact we have to drop the mirror a little bit). On to the ceiling light.....
We take down the old one and dh puts the anchor in for the new light, does all the wiring, etc. Well it's time to attach the base to the screws...should be easy right!?!?!?!?!

The screws are about 1/2 inch to short so I say to Hal "We need longer screws, there's no way in hell these are going to work." He says they should work it's what came with the light. So we mess around with it trying different things for about 15 minutes and he's getting piffy thus i'm piffin' back. I said "Are you sure you have the screws in the right holes?" Sooooo, let's just say the 'piff' factor goes through the roof and I make a comment about him being "my superhero!" as I storm out of the bathroom.

I leave him in there by himself for a bit holding onto the light fixture and to figure it out on his own since I couldn't possibly know what I was talking about. About 20 minutes later I venture in to the bathroom to see how far he's gotten (hehehehe) and he says "Well maybe we should take the other screws out and switch them to see if they're a little longer." "okay hun, do what ya want" (meanwhile i'm thinking 'was I not speaking English? Perhaps it's not Manglish so it does not compute')

Needless to say he switches out the screws and voila...the base can be secured to the ceiling!!! I love my Super zero!! He lights up my life even when he pisses me off. Today he was doing the faucet, the caulking, towel and tp holder, shower hanger and something else....ahhh, i'm so happy to be at work!

Tonight we put the pictures on the wall and do a major cleaning then it will be time to put the finishing touches and pictures will be posted.

**edited to add: in no way do I think Hal is lacking smarts but sometimes his stubborness gets in the way of his intelligence, lol. Also the camera died so it's charging now and omg...so far it's awesome. Hal just has to finish caulking and i'm framing pics!!


Jenny said...

He sounds so much like Scott, it's uncanny!!

Sharijoy said...

I was wondering what was going on when we were on the phone!!! Thats funny!! Doug had a moment the other day... DRIVES ME NUTS!!!