Saturday, May 20, 2006

6 random facts

The rules:
- You must post a blog with six weird facts or habits about yourself. These cannot be used against you later on :)
- At the bottom name the six people you will tag next.
- Leave them a comment to let them know they've been tagged and to read your blog.

1. I'm picky about where and how things get put away

2. I'm absolutely terrified of spiders..big one, little ones, hairy ones, you get the idea. Hal says "You're not scared of a 120 lb dog but you let a itty bitty spider terrorize you?!?!"

3. I am able to watch tv, play a comp game, talk(type) on messenger and the phone at the same time AND be able to keep track of everything

4. I threw up in a guys boot and he still wanted to go out with me..WTF, he didn't get the hint?!?!

5. My Mom walked past Martin Sheen and says "Well he's a short little shit isn't he!" Martin burst out laughing and asked Mom and I to go have coffee with him that he loves it when people aren't all gaga over him.

6. Anne Murray's father was a doctor at the hospital I was born in.

I'm tagging Shari, Jenny, Trudy, Tanya, Janelle and Lucy


the therapeutic writer said...


Tanya said...

Thats hilarious about Martin Sheen! I've never been gaga over a celebrity, I don't know how people can, and have never understood it. Good for you and your mom, but I'm sure it was still a really cool experience! Thanks for the tag, and the comment about my blog!

Tall tales said...

Where the heck is Jenny?
Do you know? Is everything ok?

Jenny said...

We need to get together again the 3 of us!!! I'm having withdrawal!!!