Saturday, March 18, 2006

At the Rainbow Bridge

It's been two years today since we've said goodbye to Halen. He was the most amazing dog we've ever owned and letting him go was the easiest and most difficult thing we've had to do. He was in pain and unable to get up and move about like he used to. He would look forlornly at his soccer ball knowing all to well those days were gone by. Halen was an awesome goalie and loved to play soccer with the kids. He was also a great fisherdog too.....boy when Dad would throw that fly he sure did try to catch it and bring it back to him. He could never quite figure out why Dad would scold him for it though, he was just helping.

Hal and I knew that after 11 years our boy had lived a good life and that out of respect, love and appreciation for all he had done and been for us it was only fair that we stop being selfish and start being selfless by letting him go. Arthritis and cancer had taken over and there was not much that could be done for Halen.

We decided the week before he went to the Bridge we would give him all the belly skritches, meaty bones, couch cuddles, truck rides wherever we went, visits with family and friends to say good bye and most of all talking to him with gentle, loving words and stroking of his ears and tummy that he loved so much. I swear he knew when the day came. Hal was questioning our decision and you could tell it was tearing him up inside. "Maybe tomorrow will be better, Summers not far away and the warmer weather will help!" It was then that Halen gave a sign, he was trying so hard to get up and let out such a mournful yelp. The look in his eyes said it all. We didn't cry on the way to the vet and we held strong while they did what they do. Hal held Halens head in his hands and we quietly said "Love you Pooh Bear, you've got family waiting to see you" With a kiss and an ear rub and what seemed the blink of an eye our boy was gone to the other side. We couldn't believe it was so quick but he was free from the pain that had robbed him of his playful life.

I miss you Brown Bum Bear but I know the game goes on and the Bridge sure got one heckuva goalie. Play on Pooh Bear, Play on!


If it should be that I grow weak,
And the pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then you must do what must be done,
For this last battle cannot be won,

You will be sad, I understand,
Don't let your grief then stay your hand,
For this day more than all the rest,
Your love for me must stand the test.

We've had so many happy years,
What is to come can hold no fears,
You'd not want me to suffer so,
The time has come to let me go.

Take me where my needs they'll tend,
And please stay with me until the end,
I know in time that you will see,
The kindness in what you have done for me,

Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I've been saved.
Please do not grieve,
it must be you,
Who has this painful thing to do,
We've been so close, we three, these years,
Don't let your heart hold back its tears.


Tanya said...

That made me want to cry. I love it when people love their dogs so much, not everyone deserves the dogs that enter their lives, but there are some, like you and I, that love them so much it hurts.

I too had to "let go" of a dear family member, we got her when I was three, and she went to the rainbow bridge when I was twenty, I didn't remember my life without her. Its so hard, but its something that must be done if we love our pets.

That was really beautiful, thanks for sharing:)

Jenny said...

That was such a touching tribute to your dog. Thanks for sharing!

Pen said...

Thank you for your understanding. It wasn't a sad day but one of appreciation for how lucky we were to have a dog like Halen.

Happy Sunday!

Sharijoy said...

Pen and Hal
Wish I would of met Halen I know I would of loved him..... Cuz you have such a wonderful girl with Cleo. Isn't it amazing how much animals brighten our daily lives how they become so human.

sonja said...

i can't believe it has been two years. i only got to know lovable halen through pictures, he was ba beautiful dog.