Thursday, February 23, 2006

Well here it is the last week of February already. I can't believe how flipping fast time flies now as an adult. when you're a kid there should be a document that tells you that cuz how could your parents possibly know what they're talking about.

"Don't wish your childhood away! You'll regret it."

I remember those lazy summer days as a kid getting out of bed and scarfing down breakfast just so you could get outside and play. The cold crisp air and that chill that you'd need a sweater for but in a few hours you'd be stripped down as much as you could be.
Swimming, horseback riding, dirt biking and running through the fields with your friends playing all kinds of games. It was amazing how much you could get done in such a short time and then by early afternoon you were telling your Mom "I'm bored Mom, there's nothing to do!"

Wish I could be bored again and have nothing to do, lol.
Hal and I are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our little bundle of fur. Tomorrow is the due date but it could be a few more.

We've also become new homeowners....what a challenge that was at times and poor Hal was read the riot act about buying a home. We take possession on the 10th of March. It's a 3 bedroom, 2 bath Rancher. It's got living room, family room, laundry room, kitchen, nice deck out back, fully landscaped and fenced yard with a two car garage and brick driveway!!!! I WOULD HAVE A ROOM OF MY OWN TO SET UP FOR SCRAPBOOKING AND OTHER CRAFTY THINGS! OMG HAL AND I THOUGHT WE'D NEVER FIND SOMETHING LIKE THAT and I personally didn't think Hal would survive. Now if we can only get past furniture and paint choices, lol. I love that man with all my heart but I could beat him with a big stick sometimes.



Jenny said...

Welcome to Blogland my dear!!!! I am so happy that you have become a blogger!!!
I will be linking you and Shari tomorrow. It takes me forever and a day to figure it out!!!
I have the biggest spider crawling up the door frame!!! Yikes gotta go! (afraid to squish it might change the weather!!)
Give me a shout if you need any help with the move, or if you need Shari and I could babysit that sweet l'il girl we all love so much!!

Sharijoy said...

I'm sooooo excited for you ...oh yeah and Hal about the new house, new baby dawg and Who knows.... breath it all in. Don't hold your breath too long.